Professor Dr. med. Herbert Nägele
Professor Dr. med. Herbert Nägele


Prof. Dr. Herbert Nägele

Facharzt für Innere Medizin SP Kardiologie

Zusatzbezeichungen: Sportmedizin, Rettungsmedizin, Kardiovaskulärer Präventivmediziner DGPR

1. Vorsitzender HerzInForm


Besondere Expertise:



Herzschrittmacher, Defibrillatortherapie, CRT, CCM

Schrittmacher- und Defibrillator - Elektrodenextraktion (Laser)

Telemedizin (Homemonitoring)


Kardiovaskuläre Prävention



Universität Hamburg


Beruflicher Werdegang

1976 Abitur

1980 Krankenpflegeexamen

1981 bis 1987 Medizinstudium

1987 Amerikanisches Staatsexamen (ECFMG)

1987 Approbation als Arzt

1989 Promotion (

1993 Facharzt für Innere Medizin

1998 Schwerpunktbezeichung Kardiologie

2000 Schwerpunktsbezeichung Sportmedizin

2003 Habilitation (Privatdozent)

2010 Professur Universität Hamburg nach §17

1987 bis 1992 Medizinische Kernklinik Universitätsklinik Hamburg-Eppendorf Assistenzarzt

1992 bis 2003 Herzchirurgie und Herzzentrum Universitätsklinik Hamburg-Eppendorf Oberarzt

2004 bis 31.03.2014 Medizinische Klinik St. Adolf-Stift Reinbek Leitender Oberarzt

Ab 1.4.2014 Albertinen - Herzzentrum Hamburg-Schnelsen Departmentleitung Herzinsuffizienz- und Devicetherapie

2018 Zertifiziertes überregionales Herzinsuffizienz-Zentrum nach DGK Kriterien

2019 Curriculum Herzinsuffizienz der DGK


Ausführlicher Lebenslauf und komplette Publikationsliste unter:

Publikationsliste Prof. Nägele

Ausgewählte Publikationen


2024 J Brätz, E Groene, P Peitsmeyer, I Apostoleva, T Hansen, M Danne, M Janneck, K Sydow, H Nägele (2024)  Diagnostik und Therapie der kardialen Amyloidose. Hamburger Ärzteblatt Mai.


2023 D U Chung, H Burger, L Kaiser, B Osswald, V Bärsch, H Nägele, M Knaut, H Reichenspurner, N Gessler, S Willems, C Butter, S Pecha, S Hakmi, investigators GALLERY (2023)  Transvenous lead extraction of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators: A comprehensive outcome-and risk factor analysis. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2023 Aug;46(8):815-823. 46:  8.  815-823.


2022 Herbert Nägele, Eike Groene, Daniel Stierle, Matin Ali Khan, Matthias P Nägele.  Experience with a Wearable Cardioverter-defibrillator in 436 Patients. The Journal of innovations in cardiac rhythm management 13:  1.  4856-4862 Jan.


2021 Maximilian Kremer, Herbert Nägele, Eike Gröne, Daniel Stierle, Michael Rosenkranz, Korff Krause, Matthias Philipp Nägele.   Performance of implantable loop recorders. Role of R vector and detection algorithms. Journal of electrocardiology 68:  101-108 Sep/Oct.


2021 Herbert Nägele, Eike Gröene, Daniel Stierle, Matthias P Nägele.  Analysis of causes of death in patients with implanted defibrillators. Clinical research in cardiology : official journal of the German Cardiac Society 110:  6.  895-904 Jun.


2020 Julio Marti-Almor, Pedro Marques, Laurence Jesel, Rodrigue Garcia, Enrico Di Girolamo, Fabio Locati, Pascal Defaye, Paul Venables, Antoine Dompnier, Aina Barcelo, Herbert Nägele, Haran Burri. Incidence of sleep apnea and association with atrial fibrillation in an unselected pacemaker population: Results of the observational RESPIRE study. Heart rhythm 17:  2.  195-202 02.


2019 Jürgen Kuschyk, Herbert Nägele, Karl Heinz-Kuck, Christian Butter, Thomas Lawo, Dietmar Wietholt, Susanne Roeger, David Gutterman, Daniel Burkhoff, Benny Rousso, Martin Borggrefe (2019)  Cardiac contractility modulation treatment in patients with symptomatic heart failure despite optimal medical therapy and cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). International journal of cardiology 277:  173-177 Feb.


2019 Julio Marti-Almor, Pedro Marques, Laurence Jesel, Rodrigue Garcia, Enrico Di Girolamo, Fabio Locati, Pascal Defaye, Paul Venables, Antoine Dompnier, Aina Barcelo, Herbert Nägele, Haran Burri (2019)  Incidence of sleep apnea and association with atrial fibrillation in an unselected pacemaker population: results from the observational RESPIRE study. Heart rhythm Sep.


2018 Joerg O Schwab, Herbert Nägele, Hanno Oswald, Gunnar Klein, Oliver Gunkel, Andreas Lang, Wolfgang R Bauer, Paul Korb, Tino Hauser (2018)  Clinical Course of Dual-Chamber Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Recipients followed by Cardiac Remote Monitoring: Insights from the LION Registry. BioMed research international 2018:  11.


2018 Friedrich Koehler, Kerstin Koehler, Oliver Deckwart, Sandra Prescher, Karl Wegscheider, Bridget-Anne Kirwan, Sebastian Winkler, Eik Vettorazzi, Leonhard Bruch, Michael Oeff, Christian Zugck, Gesine Doerr, Herbert Naegele, Stefan Störk, Christian Butter, Udo Sechtem, Christiane Angermann, Guntram Gola, Roland Prondzinsky, Frank Edelmann, Sebastian Spethmann, Sebastian M Schellong, P Christian Schulze, Johann Bauersachs, Brunhilde Wellge, Christoph Schoebel, Milos Tajsic, Henryk Dreger, Stefan D Anker, Karl Stangl (2018)  Efficacy of telemedical interventional management in patients with heart failure (TIM-HF2): a randomised, controlled, parallel-group, unmasked trial. Lancet (London, England) 392:  10152.  1047-1057 Sep.


2017 H Nägele, K Krause, D Stierle, M Nägele (2017)  Reversal of intolerance of Sacubitril-Valsartan by cessation of Tamsulosin in an 85 year old patient with class IV heart failure SM Gerontol Geriatr Res. 2017; 1(2): 1008.


2017 J Lauschke, M Busch, W Haverkamp, A Bulava, R Schneider, D Andresen, H Nägele, C Israel, G Hindricks, D Bänsch (2017)  New implantable cardiac monitor with three-lead ECG and active noise detection. Herz 42:  6.  585-592 Sep.


2016 David Duncker, Peter Paul Delnoy, Herbert Nägele, Jacques Mansourati, Lluís Mont, Frédéric Anselme, Petra Stengel, Francesca Anselmi, Hanno Oswald, Christophe Leclercq (2016)  First clinical evaluation of an atrial haemodynamic sensor lead for automatic optimization of cardiac resynchronization therapy. Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology 18:  5.  755-761 May.


2015 David Duncker, Peter Paul Delnoy, Herbert Nägele, Jacques Mansourati, Lluís Mont, Frédéric Anselme, Petra Stengel, Francesca Anselmi, Hanno Oswald, Christophe Leclercq (2015)  First clinical evaluation of an atrial haemodynamic sensor lead for automatic optimization of cardiac resynchronization therapy. Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology May.


2015 Herbert Nägele, Jolana Lipoldová, Hanno Oswald, Gunnar Klein, Arif Elvan, Ernst Vester, Wolfgang Bauer, Hansjürgen Bondke, Sebastian Reif, Claudia Daub, Frank Menzel, Jürgen Schrader, Göran Zach (2015)  Home monitoring of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators: interpretation reliability of the second-generation "IEGM Online" system. Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology Jan.


2013 P Delnoy, P P Ritter, H Naegele, S Orazi, H Szwed, I Zupan, K Goscinska-Bis, F Anselme, M Martino, L Padeletti (2013)  Association between frequent cardiac resynchronization therapy optimization and long-term clinical response: a post hoc analysis of the Clinical Evaluation on Advanced Resynchronization (CLEAR) pilot study Europace 1-8 Mar.


2013 Serge Barold, Andreas Kucher, Herbert Nägele, José Carlos Buenfil Medina, Michael Brodsky, Frederic E Van Heuverswyn, Roland X Stroobandt (2013)  Dissimilar ventricular rhythms: implications for ICD therapy. Heart rhythm : the official journal of the Heart Rhythm Society 10:  4.  510-516 Apr.


2010 H. Nägele (2010)  Implantable cardioverter defibrillator in paediatric patients Europace epub:  Oct 14.


2009 H Nägele, M A Castel (2009)  Sudden death in patients with severe non-ischemic heart failure – risk stratification with the heart failure survival score Congestive Heart Failure 15:  3.  112-6 May-June.


2008 H Nägele, J Dodeck, S Behrens, M Azizi, S Hashagen, C Eisermann, M A Castel (2008)  Hemodynamics and prognosis after primary cardiac resynchronization system implantation compared to "upgrade" procedures. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 31:  10.  1265-1271 Oct.


2008 H Nägele, S Behrens, C Eisermann (2008)  Cardiac contractility modulation in non-responders to cardiac resynchronization therapy. Europace. Epub 2008 Sep 5. 10:  12.  1375-1380 Dec.


2008 H Nägele, S Behrens, M Azizi (2008)  Reversing cardiac resynchronization therapy non-responder status in a patient with a surgically placed epicardial left ventricular lead by switching to an active fixation coronary sinus lead. Europace. Epub 2008 Jul 1 10:  10.  1234-5 Oct.


2007 D Vollmann, H Nägele, P Schauerte, U Wiegand, C Butter, G Zanotto, A Quesada, A Guthmann, M R S Hill, B Lamp (2007)  Clinical utility of intrathoracic impedance monitoring to alert patients with an implanted device of deteriorating chronic heart failure. Eur Heart J 28:  15.  1835-1840 Aug.


2007 H Nägele, M Azizi, S Hashagen, M A Castel, S Behrens (2007)  First experience with a new active fixation coronary sinus lead. Europace 9:  6.  437-441 Jun.


2002 H Nägele, R Schomburg, B Petersen, W Rödiger (2002)  Dual chamber pacing in patients with severe heart failure on beta blocker and amiodarone treatment: preliminary results of a randomised study. Heart 87:  6.  566-567 Jun.


2001 T Grosse, K Kreulich, H Nägele, R Reer, B Petersen, K M Braumann, W Rödiger (2001)  Peripheres Muskeltraining bei schwerer Herzinsuffizienz. Peripheral muscular strength training in patients with severe heart failure. Dt Zeitschr Sportmed 52:  1.  11-14.


2001 H Nägele, M Ismail, W Rödiger (2001)  Excimer laser extraction of pacemaker and defibrillator leads. Z Kardiol 90:  8.  550-556 Aug.


2000 H Nägele, M Bohlmann, U Eck, B Petersen, W Rödiger (2000)  Combination therapy with carvedilol and amiodarone in patients with severe heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail 2:  1.  71-79 Mar.


1999 H Nägele, M Bahlo, R Klapdor, D Schaeperkoetter, W Rödiger (1999)  CA 125 and its relation to cardiac function. Am Heart J 137:  6.  1044-1049 Jun.


1999 H Nägele, W Rödiger (1999)  Sudden death and tailored medical therapy in elective candidates for heart transplantation. J Heart Lung Transplant 18:  9.  869-876 Sep.


1998 H Nägele, H M Stubbe, C Nienaber, W Rödiger (1998)  Results of transmyocardial laser revascularization in non-revascularizable coronary artery disease after 3 years follow-up [see comments] Eur Heart J 19:  10.  1525-1530 Oct.


1995 H Nägele, P Kalmar, W Rödiger, H M Stubbe (1995)  Intensivierte medikamentöse Behandlung von Herztransplantationskandidaten Z Herz Thorax Gefäßchir 9:  225-232.


1988 W Krone, H Nägele, B Behnke, H Greten (1988)  Opposite effects of insulin and catecholamines on LDL-receptor activity in human mononuclear leukocytes. Diabetes 37:  10.  1386-1391 Oct.


1988 W Krone, H Nägele (1988)  Effects of antihypertensives on plasma lipids and lipoprotein metabolism. Am Heart J 116:  6 Pt 2.  1729-1734 Dec.

Publications list

Hier finden Sie mich

Professor H. Nägele

Heidlohstr. 25
22459 Hamburg

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Tel. 040-50019650

Fax. 040-50019651

Praxisteam Heidlohstrasse


Di+Do 14-17 Uhr

jeden 2. Freitag 14-17 Uhr

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© Professor Nägele